Red Dawn Newsletter for April 17, 2023


Not Giving Up Requires A Certain Level of Patience.

This Week TKD Members will Practice their Green Tape Skill!

Monday April 17: Forms Practice. Lower Body Day for KB Members.

Tuesday, April 18: Sparring for team points. Cardio Day for KB members.

Wednesday, April 19: Forms Practice. Upper Body Day for KB Members.

Thursday, April 20: Sparring for team points. Core Day for KB Members.

Friday, April 21: Competition Team Training 7 to 8:15 pm. Leadership Class 8:15 to 9 pm. Full Body Day for KB Members.

Upcoming Events

Apr 27 to 29: World Karate Championship Quebec Open in Quebec City.

Apr 28 to 29: Pro Martial Arts Tournament, Sheridan College Brampton.

May 6: Red Dawn in-school tournament.

June 3: GMA 23 Championships, RIM Park Waterloo.

June 9: Colour Belt Grading. 4-6 years @ 4:45 pm | 7-9 years @ 7 pm | 10 years plus @ 8:30 pm

June 17: Summer Smash Kick Light Tournament Burlington. Must be selected to go to this tournament.


Team, this week our message is on the Black Belt Principle = SELF-CONTROL.

There are different ways to use self-control there is physical control - how we learn to control our body, and there is mental control – how we learn to control the focus of our mind and our attitude. There is also emotional control – having control over our emotions.

This week I want to talk to you about controlling your emotions and developing patience. Patience is the ability to endure calmly. It’s accepting delays without getting angry or upset. Examples of patience are:

Patience doesn’t sound like much fun, but patience is important especially if you want to be a Black Belt and be successful in life. Every successful person has patience. Why? Because most of the important things take time.

  1. Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb after it took him over 1,000 tries!
  2. It took the Wright Brothers over 6 years to invent the airplane.
  3. Henry Ford went broke and failed 5x at business.

If the great inventors of our time did not have patience, you wouldn’t be enjoying things like cars, computers, electricity or internet.

Patience is like a muscle the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. When do we develop patience? EVERY DAY! Every day presents us with opportunities to develop our Black Belt Patience.

  1. Every time you wait your turn before speaking – you develop patience.
  2. Every time to persevere without quitting – you develop patience.
  3. Every time you keep your cool without getting angry – you develop patience.

Being a Black Belt is a lifestyle. We live the life of a Black Belt by using everyday opportunities to develop the character of a Black Belt.

Empowering Every Student to Become the Best Version of Themselves Physically and Mentally Through the Practice of Martial Arts.


Anthony Elliott